Bay of Islands!

Back in Richmond, with our beach holiday fresh in our minds, Katie and I decided to plan our next adventure. We started looking for last minute travel deals, but quickly discovered that they don't exist in New Zealand. Here, the early bird gets the worm; plan your vacation 6 months in advance, and you get the bargains. Determined not to let that spoil our fun or blow our budget, we decided to try our luck at flying stand-by. Armed with our carry on bags and in search of some fun, we crossed our fingers and got David to drop us off at the airport. We were off to a good start, having arrived in Auckland a few hours later, thrilled at our luck so far.
Lunch in Auckland
We quickly decided on an evening flight to the Bay of Islands, and hung out in Auckland for the day. Maybe it was beginners luck, but we both got on that flight and made it to the Bay of Islands by that evening, and couldn't have been happier!
We made it! The very cute and very small Kerikeri airport
Through a little coaxing, I managed to get Katie to "Backpackers Alley" in Paihia, which is literally a whole street lined with all different hostels. We got a private room overlooking the pool at the Bay Adventurer, and I'm happy to report that my 5-star-loving friend gave our budget accommodation her stamp of approval.

Over the next four days, we reveled in the laid back atmosphere of this beach town, and experienced all it had to offer...mostly in the form of breakfast, lunch, and dinner (LOL). We were truly ladies who lunched...and cruised, and sunbathed...and I think both of us wanted to stay in our new-found paradise forever.
Dinner with little red riding hood. ;)
Our holiday drink of choice.
More delicious food..

A major highlight was an all day sailing trip on the R. Tucker Thompson, a working tall ship. Our day started with coffee and freshly baked scones with jam and cream as we set off into the calm waters.
Surrounded by the pristine turquoise ocean, we sat back and relaxed as we made our way to a smaller island for a BBQ lunch and some drinks. Some people opted to be taxied to the island to explore, and the rest of us took turns swinging off the rope swing, swimming, and relaxing. The crew were busy preparing our BBQ lunch (they made a veggie lunch for me).

As we sunned ourselves and sipped our drinks, we both agreed that our vacation was already even better than we could have hoped for. When it was time to make our way back, we got a lesson in hoisting the sails, and had the chance to climb the rigging all the way to the top! A great crew and great people on our tour made the trip even more memorable. As the end of our journey loomed, neither one of us was ready for this amazing day to end.

Katie and I climbing to the top of the sails

We left the ship in a state of sun-induced bliss, which, unfortunately for Katie was short lived after she was unceremoniously thrown overboard  for mocking the captain's singing. I have to admit, it was pretty hilarious to see him pick her up and throw her over his shoulder, while threatening to throw her in. Everyone within earshot was watching, but I don't think anyone thought he would actually do it. Well, he did, and since I was too busy snapping photos, (sorry Katie!) I was grateful for our fellow passengers who rushed down to help her out and offer towels. Once we all stopped laughing and Katie got over the shock, we headed to the pub for a few drinks and then hopped on the ferry and made our way back to Paihia.

Yep, that's Katie he's carrying down the ramp!
...and there she goes.
If you're going to throw her in, I guess the least you can do is rescue her!
Our caring new friends offering a helping hand and a towel.
What a trooper!
Beach in Russell
A new day brought a new adventure, and saw us on a self guided tour of the North Shore. As we made our way to 90 mile beach, we discovered breathtaking beaches the whole way, each more beautiful than the last, and all of them nearly deserted. After a a quick stop at the start of 90 mile beach to watch the spectacle of tour buses and cars speeding along the sand, we took the inland route back, in search of Ngawha hot springs.

90 mile beach

 After a few wrong turns and what seemed like a never ending windy drive through forests and farms, we finally arrived at our destination. The unmistakable stench of sulphur told us we were close, and although we had been warned that the springs were a little rough, we were still shocked when we drove up to what looked like a junk yard. Neither of us knew whether we should laugh or lock the doors and get outta there as fast as possible. After some consideration, we decided that we would go for it, and after paying our $2 entry fee, (yes, $2!!) we made our way to the pools. Once we got comfortable in our new surroundings, and after some of the locals were kind enough to show us how it was done, we were covered in mud and in our element in no time.
Ngawha Hot Springs

Our trip to the Bay of Islands was a little slice of summer paradise, and thanks to all our stand-by flights working out, we were able to get our last minute travel deal after all! I'm happy to say our 3rd major trip (the first two in Hawaii) was a massive success! Thanks Katie. Can't wait till the next one!! :)


  1. Admirable blog posted by the narrator Thanks for sharing your fantastic experience with us. During reading your blog i also felt myself in New Zealand, enjoying this tour. But after reading your post i really want to visit New Zealand tours for the best experience of my life.

    1. Thanks for reading, and thanks for your positive comments! New Zealand is a fabulous place to explore!! Do it!!! :)

  2. WOW! Another great blog post with your signature awesome pics!

  3. You're sure you want to come back to Victoria, Barbara?? Looks like you're having way too much of a grand time! And I, too, think your pictures are amazing - thanks for posting!

    1. Thanks Cheryl. :) Yes, I am having a grand time...I wish I could push NZ and Canada together, so I wouldn't have to choose one or the other.


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