
Showing posts from November, 2012


I've been having a lot of awkward and embarrassing moments at work...I guess it just comes with having a new job and learning all the little things, but it's a relatively foreign feeling for me, having had the same job for several years. I'm sure it's a little bit of nerves and a little bit of wanting to get it right and do a good job, but dear lord, I hope it's overwith quick! I consider myself to be someone with a good dose of common sense, and I'm usually able to think on my feet and deal with most situations that may arise. Lately though, I feel like all my common sense has suddenly flown out the window, and some of the situations I find myself in make me want to press pause so that I can laugh at myself, and then possibly rewind and re-do. During these moments, it's like something comes over me, and the resulting feeling of "OMG, did that really just happen?!" makes part of me want to explain myself to my co-workers and the other part just f...

Would you like a wee bit of butter with that?

I know the suspense must be killing you, so for those of you who haven't already found out through the magic of facebook, I have some good news.....I GOT THE JOB!! When I got the call and heard someone say "I'm calling to offer you a job" I almost didn't believe what I was hearing. Having waited the better part of a week after having my trial, and then waiting all day for the call, I convinced myself that they must have picked someone else. Facing rejection after rejection, and constantly being beaten by more experienced applicants, had me thisclose to giving up on my hopes of working in a cafe. It's extremely hard to remain unaffected when even your best doesn't seem to be good enough, and even harder to take your own advice to stay positive and not give up. I assumed that getting a job in a cafe would be easy as, (as the kiwi's would say) but it was anything but. Nearly three months in, I've finally got my cafe job, and I'm really looking f...

10% chance of rain

I'm not generally someone who checks the weather, unless I'm planning a big outing like a hike or a weekend of camping, but since I've been in New Zealand, I find myself checking it constantly. The fact that I either walk or bike to get around is a big reason for this. Another reason is that the weather changes so quickly here. This brings me to the topic of hanging clothes out to dry: a fairly new concept for me, having always had a dryer, although I do recall having a clothes line at home as a kid. From an environmental standpoint, and also to be gentler on your clothes, I'm a big fan of drying clothes outside on the line. I think the fact that it's banned in certain areas, like Whistler, because it's unsightly, is ridiculous. For most New Zealanders, it's simply part of your everyday routine. Now, whenever it rains, my first thought is "Do I have clothes out on the line?!" Sometimes, the answer is yes, and if I'm lucky enough to be home, I...

Trial run

Well, I'm happy to say that I passed the first test (the interview) at the Cafe I applied at, and made it to the second round, which is what's called a trial day. This is quite a regular thing in New Zealand; when you are one of the final candidates for a job, they ask you to come in for a few hours to see how you fit in. It's kind of like a try-before-you-buy system for employers. As one of the prospective employees doing a trial shift, I have to say it was a little bit nerve-wracking to know that I was being watched and judged. During the interview I was asked whether or not I would be comfortable making a cake, which caught me off guard, but the job I applied for is split between front of house and the kitchen, so I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised. I was a bit worried that they would put my cake making skills to the test today, but thankfully they didn't. I have become a much better cook and baker since I've been here, (what better tim...

Sea lice

So, I've found a few jobs over here, and with the exception of one, I'm not loving them. I thought I would tell you all about my glamourous part-time NZ jobs... Might just make you feel a whole lot better about yours!  ;) I'll try not to bitch, but I'm also not going to sugar-coat anything... So, the job I'm enjoying is for HYPE, (Help For Young People at Events) which is basically what the name implies. Whenever there's an event that is likely to attract young people, HYPE sends out teams of street ambassadors to make sure everyone is safe, ie: not too drunk, isn't causing trouble, has a ride home, etc. We also give out condoms & lollies, LOL! I've only worked one shift that was at the masked parade, but I thought it was a really worthwhile thing to be doing, and it was fun. HYPE also runs activities at events like skatepark tours and festivals, which I'm scheduled to work in the coming months, paired up with David, who also works for HYPE. ...

Rabbit Island

Summer is finally on it's way! I've thought that before, and subsequently changed my mind, but I think it's for real this time. This week has been sunny and warm, and has reached temperatures of up to 25 degrees! Anyways, I thought I should celebrate the arrival of summer by going to the beach. So, I decided to hop on my bike and ride out to Rabbit Island, which is just over 14 km away. Unfortunately, there are no bike trails that go there, so I had to ride on the road. Aside from some terrifying moments on the highway, namely the Appleby bridge, which is barely wide enough for one car in each direction, I really enjoyed the views of the countryside. I stopped quite a few times to see the sheep and their adorable little lambs. Mostly, I'm enjoying cycling as my mode of transport these days. I always aspired to ride my bike more in Victoria, but having a car made it too easy to just drive instead. Being on my bike makes me happy. I feel like I'm 5 years ol...